The TEAM WENDY® EPIC™ Responder ballistic helmet features exceptional performance and is substantially lighter than the ACH. It offers maximum adjustability and comes configured with the Team Wendy H-Back Retention, ZAP™ 8 pad liner system and front cover plate.
The Avon Protection C50™ protective mask shares key technologies with the U.S. M50/JSGPM (Joint Services General Purpose Mask) to provide maximum operational flexibility. It is capable of countering multiple threat scenarios, including chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological (CBRN) agents, toxic industrial chemicals (TICs), and toxic industrial materials (TIMs).
The Avon CTCF50 gas mask filter is a low-profile combination filter designed for various protective needs. It features a high-efficiency pleated filter element for the removal of aerosols, particulate matter, smoke, and fumes. Additionally, the CTCF50 filter includes a carbon bed to absorb vapors that may be released from trapped particles. This filter for tear gas is specifically engineered to handle riot control agents and tear gases, including CS, CN, and OC pepper spray.